I had quite a few bites that season and my body has changed since I had my stroke/brain attack, so, my reaction to various things has changed. I no longer have hay fever, am not prone to the effects of eating to much and don't need Nexium for heartburn, however, I do have a bad reaction to mosquitoes. I don't know why, but there you are!
I left the balcony doors open so that I could enjoy the cool breeze that was blowing that evening and that was asking for trouble, because the mozzies were out in full force. One of the little monsters had bitten me on the inner side of my middle finger but at the joint of the finger and my palm. It started slowly, but as time wore on my finger got a big blister and more and more swollen and because of the strange position that the bite was in, it was very hard to itch it or scratch it and nothing I could do would help. My finger was swollen to the extent that I truly thought that it was going to burst!!
I wondered how I could 'pop' the blister because that was the only way that I could imagine that I was going to get on top of this problem. At first, I thought, "I will use a straight pin to pop it", but after a few goes at 'popping' the bite, I became worried in case I swallowed the pin, so, that was no good. Then I thought about a safety pin and I trawled though the house looking for the very thing, but when I got the pin, I couldn't open it because you need one good hand to open the pin (which is very small) I had, but then you have to hold that pin in your hand to prick the blister and I didn't have that!
I sat and thought some more, and then I realised that the pin was too small and a bigger pin, like a baby's nappy pin would work and I had one of those, but it took me the next hour to find that pin which was in our 'Memories' box, high up in the cupboard. It took me another hour to get the box down from the cupboard and you have to remember, I have to do it in a way that won't 'brain' me when I pull the box down! Eventually, I did manage to slide the box forward enough to get it over the edge of the shelf in the cupboard and catch it in my one good hand! Yaaaayyyyyy!
When I got the box open, I then started to look at all the lovely memories that the box held, and for a while, I forgot the blister on my hand, but not for long. I then went into the bathroom and was standing at the sink in front of the mirror (with the plug in the basin!!) and tried to 'pop' the blister while I held the safety pin in my mouth. I tried and tried, but it is so difficult to do something in reverse! By that I mean trying to do something that comes naturally but when you look at your self trying to do that thing in the mirror, you can't do it!!!
After a half and hour trying to 'pop' the blister, would you believe it - it popped!!!!! I was laughing like a loon and hopping, dancing around knowing that I had done something that no one told me do or helped me and I was soooo happy that I was laughing and not crying like I would have done not so long ago.
You are very good and writing. Did it take you a long time Wendy?
Thanks for your feed back! No, it doesn't take a long time when I have something to say - but it does take great length of time to get the spelling correct!!
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